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  • The Addiction Connection: Midwest Regional Training Conference
    The Addiction Connection: Midwest Regional Training Conference
    Thu, Apr 03
    Redeemer Church
    Join Redeemer Church April 3rd-5th as they host "The Church, The Gospel, and the Problem of Addiction." This training is designed to equip biblical counselors with the knowledge and tools necessary to address addiction within the church community.
  • Women's Retreat Day!
    Women's Retreat Day!
    Sat, Apr 05
    We are so excited to gather together for our very own Women’s Retreat Day on Saturday, April 5th at Baqara in Runnells (11680 SE 64th Ave)! Join us for worship, 3 powerful sessions, a testimony, discussion, and prayer! Doors Open at 8:30am Event starts at 9am Finishing up around 3pm
  • The Bible From 30,000 Feet (Volume 2)
    The Bible From 30,000 Feet (Volume 2)
    Sun, Apr 06
    HPC Resource Center
    THE BIBLE FROM 30,000 FEET is a Sunday night Bible Survey class designed to help you get an aerial view of scripture. Each Volume will help you gain a big picture of scripture and our Savior Jesus Christ!
  • Men's Book Study: Manly Men from the Bible
    Men's Book Study: Manly Men from the Bible
    Sat, Apr 12
    HPC Resource Center
    Join us on Saturday, April 12th for a 6-week study looking at several key men from the Bible who exemplify specific qualities pertaining to biblical manliness. We will meet from 8:00-9:15am at the HPC Resource Center (827 17th Ave SW, Altoona).
  • Easter at The Palace Theater
    Easter at The Palace Theater
    Sun, Apr 20
    The Palace Theater at Adventureland Park
    Join us for one of our Easter Services at The Palace Theater at Adventureland Park. We will have 2 identical services at 8:30 & 10:00am. We look forward to celebrating and worshiping our risen Savior together!
  • Lunch with the Pastors
    Lunch with the Pastors
    Sun, Apr 27
    Clay Elementary School
    Are you new to High Pointe Church? We invite you & your family to join us after church on Sunday, April 27th at Clay Elementary. We'll enjoy lunch together, talk about how you can connect with us, and answer any questions you have. This is a great way for you to meet the pastors and staff of HPC.
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